Book Review.

As promised here is my review of The Door. This novel is written by Magda Szabo, a renowned Hungarian author.
It follows the relationship between a struggling writer and a woman she employs to help her in the house. Emerence, the lady who is employed, is a very hard worker. She believes nothing can replace manual work, no amount of words or writing are necessary in her world. This elderly lady has lived a traumatic life and this shapes the way she lives her life now. The writer, on the other hand, struggles with her words and never seems to accomplish much in the beginning of the book. Whereas Emerence's toil can be seen far and wide, her street clearing and caring for neighbours is well known.
However,the old lady's personal space; her home is very secretive, very private. As the book unfolds the writer intrudes into this space with disastrous consequences.

There was so much to take from this book, this small book, only 262 pages. Once I started reading I felt compelled to read it as fast as possible. I, can often feel that the elderly need to conform, to act in a way that 'we' think is suitable. In doing so I believe (that I )have invaded spaces and perhaps opened too many DOORS when not invited. There is a fine line (imho)between helping and intrusion. My thoughts on the elderly are certainly challenged with this book.
This was a totally different book for me, I thank my daughter for buying it for my birthday. There is much 'food for thought' here. Do read it!
I have read that it is thought to be partly autobiographical, but not sure about this.Magda Szarbo died last year aged 90yrs.

Just checked the meaning of the name Everence
here.Found it means 'Worthy of Merit,I think that ties in well with the plot.


Marie Cloutier said…
thanks for letting me know when you posted this. it sounds like a very intriguing book. :-)

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