' Timber...'

This was the sight that greeted us this morning, in fact at 5am. we heard the crash. My husband went to investigate and by torchlight saw the devestation. We were forecast high winds and being in an exposed spot we do get our fair share of gales but this was not expected. It was lucky that the sheep were no closer as it really would have been a terrible disaster. Most of it is cleared away now as my husband has been busy with the chain saw most of the day. There is one consolation there will be plenty of wood for the Rayburn stove and fires during the Winter.


Anonymous said…
Keep the home fires burning?
BooksPlease said…
Lucky it wasn't near the house too!
Lezlie said…
Wow! That was a project to get that out of the way!

Molly said…
I am so glad all are safe - including the sheep. Your positive outlook is very inspiring.
Jane said…
That was a bit of a shock. Lovely for the fire
JoAnn said…
That was a HUGE tree...glad nobody was hurt!
Linda Jacobs said…
Thankd goodness it wasn't any worse! I can imagine that it was pretty scary, though!
Jenny Girl said…
Oh my gosh! Thank goodness no people or animals were injured. How long will that take to remove?

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