Goodbye October.

Even though there has been much hype regarding Halloween, it has just dawned on me that today is October 31st.
The countryside is changing rapidly now, leaves are falling quickly and the nights are so much longer now the clocks have changed.So before we begin the Winter I wanted to share photos of the past month; the colours and beauty of Autumn.

Photos courtesy of
this site.


Jane said…
I can't believe it's the end of October. It's too warm for the heating to come on and the patio door is wide open. Never mind, back to normal temperatures and rain by the look of it for November
Margot said…
Your pictures are beautiful. I do love this time of year and wish we could hold on to it a bit longer.
Linda Jacobs said…
As I look out my living room window this Nov. 1st morning, all I see is gray. I totally know what you mean. We had a fairly warm week and I took advantage by going for a walk with my camera and snapping pictures of any October beauty I could still find. And there were surprisingly many things! Even a petunia still struggling to stay alive.

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