On the farm in August.

These photos are characteristic of many farms in August. The Combine Harvester can be see working away on arable farms throughout this month. The farther south you travel in the country the earlier the harvest usually begins.
Our land is all hill land consequently it doesn't lend itself to the vast open plains that many arable farmers work. We don't harvest any of their crops but we do buy the straw once the barley or wheat have passed through the machine.
The straw is collected and stored on our farm and used for bedding the sheep pens in lambing time. As seen in the top photo, round straw bales are often seen in fields prior to collection. In a large building this shape can literally be rolled out onto the ground after the tractor has dropped it into the most convenient place, therefore making life a little easier for the farmer.
So once the weather improves and combining begins we will be seen on the highways and byways straw collecting.

On a more personal note this month of August is going to be very special as our first grandchild is due during the fourth week. I will keep you posted!!!! A grandma to be !!!


Jane said…
How exciting, hope it all goes well. Let's hope the rain holds off for long enough spells for the harvest to be brought in
Lezlie said…
It looks like where I grew up, which is now sadly covered with suburban sprawl. :-(

We'll be waiting on the happy grandchild news!

Anonymous said…
Congratulations on being a first time grandma! How exciting :)
Margot said…
I like reading of your farm activities. We have the big round bales here in the states too. I'm happy to hear of your pending grandmotherhood. There is nothing to compare. Pure joy.
Anonymous said…
Gosh...a baby! How lovely! No doubt you will make a smashing Grandma. :-)

Molly xxx
Thanks for sharing the pics!

You must be on pins and needles waiting for news of the new grandchild. Congrats in advance to you and the family!
JoAnn said…
Congratulations on your impending grandmotherhood!
zetor said…
Thankyou all for your good wishes, baby is due towards the end of the month , but I'll keep you posted.
Mary (Bookfan) said…
How exciting to be waiting for your first grandchild! Can't wait to hear the news : )
Barbara said…
Interesting to read the farm post.

You are going to be blown away when you pick up that first Grandchild and be ovewhelmed with the love you have for him/her.It doesnot diminish as time goes by but gets stronger.

We waited a long time but it was worth it.

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