Musing Mondays

This week's discussion is the following ---------
Do you prefer to read stand-alone books, or books in series? Do you stick with a series the whole way through or stop after the first instalment? Are there any particular series you enjoy?(question courtesy of Elena)

In the past I have had no preference for standalone books or series , and with many of my Jean Plaidy series I read them in any order. However, I have bought
this book. This is the first in 'The Morland Dynasty' by Cynthia Harrod Eagles and I think I will try , if possible to read them in order. There are 30+ in the series at the last count, so I think it will take me quite a while, lol! Many reviews have praised these books so I am keen to get started, although there are a few challenges to finish before I will pick it up.

More musings can be found here.


I enjoy series. I like having something to look forward too! Here is mine
Jane said…
I love that series, I read them as I can get them. It's quite fun fitting them into place as you read them
Nise' said…
I've hard of that series. Will have to check it out.
Marg said…
I have so many series on the go it isn't funny! I recently started reading the Morland Dynasty series and really like them so far. I did wonder why I was starting with a series that was so long, but I just couldn't help myself!
Anonymous said…
Hi Mog!

Whilst I tend to read alot of books by the same author(s), I definately seem to prefer stand alone books...I find I can get disappointed with sequels/prequels.

Plus, I am so fickle, I always have about 5 different books on the go, most of which I never finish! :-). But I can tell you won't be able to sympathise with seem to get through a book a day! lol

Molly xxx
Jenny Girl said…
I have seen these books around the way and they do look and sound so interesting. You'll have to let me know what you think.
23 books is a lot though ;)

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