Booking through Thursday

This is the topic of the day -------

What’s the worst book you’ve read recently?
(I figure it’s easier than asking your all-time worst, because, well, it’s recent!)

I've been quite happy with my reading of late , although
'Black Coffee' was a little disappointing.
Over the past year the book which I was most unhappy reading was 'My Heart is my Own' by John Guy. It is a biography of Mary Queen of Scots. This is a lady I have always found fascinating , however, this book did not further that interest.
I'm sure there are many people out there who will extol it's virtues. For me it was hard to read and therefore I didn't complete it. It was not a novel and that is probably where the problem lay. I can't really call it the 'worst' book maybe the most difficult book in the last year.
I'm sure there are many historians who will be appalled at this post!
More 'worst' books can be found here.


Susan said…
I chose The Reader by Bernhard Schlink as my most recent bad book. You can check out my thoughts here.
Nikola said…
I think it's great that you decided not to finish it. Why bother, if you don't like it?
JoAnn said…
Nonfiction that is too dry is disappointing for me, too.
BooksPlease said…
I didn't write about this topic yesterday - too busy (we have the house up for sale and went out the day before to London and last night to a talk by Griff Rhys Jones, which was wonderful).

But anyway, I've been quite lucky with my reading and haven't abandoned any books recently. I haven't come across the books you mention, but do have two books on Mary Queen of Scots that I'm looking forward to reading - one by Antonia Fraser and the other by Alison Weir. I hope they are better than the one by John Guy.

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