The Last Day of Shearing.

Yes, today was the last day for shearing. My hardworking husband has sheared 500+ sheep, with my daughter and myself assisting in wrapping the fleeces.
It has taken a few weeks to complete the task as we dodged the rain, but the work is finished.

Gabriel Oak in 'Far from the Madding Crowd'(in photo) sheared by hand and if he had 500+ to complete , poor man would have been still working at Christmas!! So although it is very hard work , electric shears have made the job much easier.
In the same movie when all their summer work was finished(including the harvest), a meal was organised with alcohol and singing. Well... the same will happen here tonight, we will raise our glasses to the last sheep shorn for another year!!! Then consider the hay and silage work.

'Gabriel Oak' photo courtesy of this site.


Jane said…
Congratulations on a job well done, you deserve to celebrate tonight
Mary (Bookfan) said…
Yes, well done! Hope you had a wonderful celebration tonight.
Gina E. said…
Hi Zetor,
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - always nice to have new visitors! I've had a quick browse of your blog, and have decided that I must be so lazy in comparison to you! I reckon if I had to do all that farm work, I would be too exhausted to do anything else at the end of the day...but I see you do a lot of reading. Well, that is the best way to relax, after all, especially with the kind of books you read - I also enjoy most of those authors!
Hello Zetor. Your farm looks sooo wonderful with all the sheep roaming around. I can not even imagine shearing 500 sheep. YOUR DH certainly is very hard worker. What do you do with all that wool??? Hugs Judy

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comment. Hugs Judy
Margot said…
Congratulations on a job well done. You sure do deserve to raise your glasses in celebration. I love the picture of your white, naked ladies. So beautiful.
Book Bird Dog said…
I loved the book and the movie, Far From the Madding Crowd! To think there are still private sheep farmers and shearers! Terribly romantic, but also hard work, it seems. Enjoy your celebrations!

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