Busy Days.

The last few days have been so busy. My husband is recovering from a chest infection and his father has been admitted to hospital with a stroke. So blogging has taken a back seat as we've been visiting hospital and other close relatives.
If time allows I'll post for the Sunday Salon later, but if not I take this opportunity to wish you all a good week and please say a prayer for my father-in-law's recovery.


Jane said…
Thinking of you all and wishing you all the best for your father in law's recovery
Nan said…
My thoughts and prayers are with your family.
JoAnn said…
Your family is in my prayers today.
Lezlie said…
Oh, no! We will definitely be thinking of you. Take care!

Anonymous said…
He and your husband will be in my next prayer.
BooksPlease said…
I've just read your post (catching up with reading blogs - last week was very busy with the family visiting) and I'm so sorry to read your news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I do hope your husband is better and that his father is recovering.
Mary (Bookfan) said…
Your husband and his father are in my prayers.

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