Teaser Tuesdays

Here we are ready for another teaser,

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This is mine,

'Once a week the flower-sellers laid out their banks of mimosa,tulips, and lilies, potted jasmine, Japanese tree-peonies with tissue-paper blooms, pink and yellow roses, filling the vaulted space beneath the massive marble art-nouveau arcades along one side of the Piazza della Repubblica, and flooding it with colour and scent. Once the warm weather had arrived in earnest, as Frances felt, today, that it had, the atmosphere of the flower market became intoxicating;perfumed and opiate,and even when a summer downpour would fill the piazza with pelting rain, beneath the arches it felt like an Indian bazaar in the monsoon.'

taken from page 198, 'A Party in San Niccolo' by Christobel Kent.

This is a fantastic book, a review will be following soon, watch this space!

More teasers can be found


JoAnn said…
What a beautiful image this teaser brings to mind! I'll be looking for your review.
Nise' said…
Very descriptive, I can almost smell the fragrance.
BooksPlease said…
I'd love to be in Florence right now! A book is the next best thing.
Totally visual teaser. Very vivid!

Tuesdays: What's up?
Margot said…
What a lovely vision your teaser gives me. And, I can smell it too.
Jacqueline C. said…
Sounds beautiful! Can't wait to hear what you think. Here's one tease and my other teaser.
Lucy said…
This sounds so interesting and picturesque too- can't wait for the review:)

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