The Sunday Salon.

This has been a busy week; reading has been taking second place to work. Farm work that is , shearing sheep in particular. Although I must add that I don't shear, I'm not capable to shear, I wrap the fleeces which in comparison to the shearer is an easy job.
I have managed to start another book though;
Twenty Wishes, by Debbie Macomber. It's a light read and easy to pickup and dip into when time is short.
One piece of good news this week was my luck in a book raffle on Elaine's blog. When I receive my prize I'll post about it.
Hope you all have a good week.


JoAnn said…
Well, I suppose work must come first. It sounds like you've made a good book choice to fit into quite moments, though. Congratulations on your prize!
serendipity_viv said…
I have just read my first Debbie Macomber book - The Shop at Blossom Street and absolutely loved it.
Gavin said…
What do you do with the fleeces? Sell them? Spin them? Have a good week.
Color Online said…
Work has a way of getting in the way of what we'd rather be doing. Here's to more reading.
I read only one Debbie Macomber and I don't remember the title!


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