Musing Mondays

This Monday the discussion is ----

Do you have a set reading time (before bed, perhaps)? Do you read more at night or during the day? Is there a day of the week, perhaps, that you set aside to catch up on reading?

My answer is here ---

I'm usually too tired when I go to bed so my main time is in the evening. There never seems to be any great programmes to watch on t.v. so that's when most of my reading takes place. If we have no plans, the weekend is great for turning a few pages.

More book talk can be found here.


Jane said…
Bath time is my main reading time. I only have a couple of books with crinkled pages,lol. Other times for reading are when I am waiting for the boys
Marie Cloutier said…
I can't read at bedtime either. I go right to sleep! :-)
BooksPlease said…
It's really annoying when I fall asleep reading. Recently I've not managed much reading at the weekend, but often Sunday afternoon is a good time to read.
Anonymous said…
I like to read a little bit each day. When I do my house work I will usually take a break in the middle and read at least one chapter of the book I'm currently reading. I also like to read in the evening. Like you I don't watch to much TV.
Nise' said…
I can read and watch TV, it drives my husband nuts.
Yvonne said…
I'm more of a reader at bedtime, but mainly it's whenever I can make the time.
Barbara said…
Over breakfast and my post breakfast tea I read the daily newspaper.

During coffee or tea breaks (if I am not blogging) I read something more serious like an autobiography, travel book, spiritual book, poetry etc.

In bed at night I read a novel which is why my light does not go out much b efore 12.30 am
Jess said…
I am a big Red Sox fan, so I usually read while I 'watch' the game. That is when I get most of my reading done.
Nicola said…
Mainly at night although there is always the tiredness factor. I read in the mornings on a Friday (my day off work) but often feel guilty about reading any longer than an hour in the morning if the housework/ironing etc is not done.

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