Booking through Thursday

Here is today's meme----

What’s the most romantic book you’ve ever read?

(Mind you, I don’t mean the hard-core stuff you hide in plain wrappers under your mattress. I mean True Love, Romance, deeply emotional, heart-tugging, and all that stuff.)

And, secondly, did you like it? Is it your usual kind of reading, or did it take you by surprise?

Well the book that comes to mind in a big way is a classic. A wonderful book about a strong, independant woman who believes that true love will never be hers. However after many trials her dream comes true. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte , I love it both the book and the Zelah Clark version of the Jane Eyre movie.

More romance can be found here.


Paula said…
I have to read this book :)
Lesley said…
Jane Eyre has come up a few times for most romantic book and I am putting it on my to read list for sure!
Jane said…
Great minds think alike, lol, that was the first one I thought of too
Victoria said…
Wuthering Heights is the most romantic book I have read although passionate might be a better adjective.
Vintage Reading said…
I love Jane Eyre, too. Nice to have a heroine who isn't traditionally beautiful.
Oh, I definitely love your choices, however as an American, that just makes me different.

My favorite romantic book isn't a novel; it's a biography. It was written by George Burns about his wife Gracie, and is titled simply: Gracie, a Love Story. And it is. There is much to laugh at these two comedians as they love and laugh their life together, and there is much to just cry over, as George tells of his love, from his heart.

I'm not sure it is in print anymore, and I gave away my last copy to a seriously ill woman whose blog I loved. If you can find a copy, it is one for by the fireplace -- and the tissue box.

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