Musing Mondays

This is today's discussion ----

Do you keep a book wishlist, either on paper, Amazon/etc, or via a book database site (Shelfari, GoodReads, LibraryThing)? If yes, do you share this list with others (especially coming up to Christmas)?

Wishlists are very topical for me at the moment as middle daughter's birthday is approaching and she has sent me her Amazon wishlist , to choose a suitable present.
Her list is one page long, so it was quick and easy to find something appropriate.
If only my own wishlist was so concise. My list is 6 pages long and growing by the minute. Visiting blogs is always a good source of inspiration and with reading in mind the list grows at a fantastic rate.
I did keep a check on my own books on Shelfari but I try to keep only one list now .
Although I have not shared these wishes with family members I do think I will this Christmas.
More wishing can be found here.


My wishlist exists in a Journal and is very long.

Mondays: Musings/Readings/Mailbox
I've only just begun a few weeks ago to keep my wishlist in LibraryThing. It's too soon to say I've established a new habit; we'll see!
Nise' said…
I need to go through my wishlist and take off the books I've read! It is not up-to-date at all.

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