Musing Mondays.

Today's discussion is the following ---

Do you give gift certificates to book stores as presents? If so, do you give for actual stores or online stores? Do you like to receive them yourself?

I often give book certificates/tokens as presents . I have a few friends who are avid readers and one of my daughters is a fanatical reader. So I know my choice of present will always be appreciated. I have only given actual bookstore tokens as not all my friends are keen on online stores.
Oh yes I love to receive them myself and with my birthday in 2 days time I hope my presents will be book related in some way. (hint, hint , lol)

More book talk can be found


I too love to receive gift certificates for books. But you know that already!


Musing Mondays: Gift Certificates
Mondays: Mailbox/whereabouts
Rebecca Johnson said…
You're the second person to mention book "tokens"... can I ask what they are?

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