Booking through Thursday

This week's Booking through thursday is the following -----
What book would you love to be able to read again for the first time?

(Interestingly, I thought that I had thought this one up myself, but when I started scrolling through the Suggestions, found that Rebecca had suggested almost exactly this question a couple months ago. So, we both get credit!)

The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Armin
Jane Eyre. byt Charlotte Bronte.
Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.

'The Enchanted April', I read a couple of months ago and it transported me to a medieval castle in Italy.Reading it was similar to viewing a Renaissance painting , the beauty of the countryside penetrated the words in such a way that I felt as though I really sat among the beautiful flowers on the terrace. A real delight, and although read once I will read again.

'Jane Eyre', this was read a few years ago, I love this story. In rereading it I know some of the narrative will be familiar, and some of the surprise will be lost , but it will still be brought down from the shelf again.

'Wolf Hall', I have finished this book today. There has been very little housework done whilst reading it! This novel of Thomas Cromwell's life proved to be splendid(a review will follow in a couple of days). The descriptions of Tudor life were extensive and I felt as though I had learnt a lot by reading this book. Now I would read it again, but at 650 pages it is not a quick read and I need to finish the odd challenge. Therfore I may wait till the sequel is written, hopefully this will not be too long in the future.

I feel as though I haven't answered the question thoroughly , my books listed are some of my favourites and yes I would love to read them all again for the FIRST time and savour the the descriptons, the passions and the narratives.
There are more 'talk' of books here. Check it out you may find some of YOUR favourites listed.


Jess said…
I loved Jane Eyre -- great choice.
Lezlie said…
Wolf Hall looks awesome! It comes out here in the U.S. in October. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for it!

JoAnn said…
I was just thinking it's time to reread Jane Eyre and I'll be reading The Enchanted April very soon for Molly's summer vacation reading challenge...can't wait!
Anonymous said…
I loved Jane Eyre too. The other two books sound good. list of want to reads just keep growing :>)
jlshall said…
I've got "Enchanted April" on my TBR list and hope to get to it this year. Loved the movie!
Mary (Bookfan) said…
I loved Jane Eyre. I need to read it again.
Jane Eyre is a great book to re-read.

BTT: Second a first
Meghan said…
I obviously think Jane Eyre is a great choice! I've read it so many times that I practically have it memorized. I'm giving it a several year break to see if I can manage to forget bits and rediscover it at least a little bit.

I haven't read either of your other choices, I will have to check them out!

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